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Ponedeljak 05.01.2015.
Srna, Beta #Commented 45 and 46 rows # #Changed code from 45-46 A
"Vol strit žurnal" ocenjuje da raspad evrozone nikada nije bio bliži, a kao jedan od razloga navodi sankcije Zapada Rusiji i uzvratne mere Rusije. "Špigl" je objavio da se Nemačka sprema za izlazak Grčke iz zone evra, ali je portparolka Evropske komisije Anika Brajdhard to donekle demantovala, navodeći da je pripadnost zemalja evrozoni "neopoziva".
Ponedeljak 05.01.2015.15:48
ЕУ је фашиистичка.Смрт фашиизму слобода народу .Боље гроб него роб .Слободан и Шешељ су пре 20 година изговорили НЕ у ЕУ.
Ponedeljak 05.01.2015.17:27
Sankcije-da se Rusija oslabui-da se UHi Joshua! Since last time we herd I read some of Hub documentation (not all for now). Also, I managed to recreate one of email templates which I created in a51dev. I used a template that I had. How you can see this template shows in Hub preview, and we also tested this template on (all templates which are created are tested on this web site). We spent some time to figure out best way to create email templates which will work in all major email clients. This code is best solution which we found out. The problem with your psd is that dimensions of email are not good. Recommended dimensions for email template are 600px, and template is 800px (this is mentioned in Hub documentation). One of our conclusions was that we can’t use fluid rows or similar responsive techniques for email templates, and that we need to create separate template for mobile devices. Width of this template needs to be 300px. (You can see this when you resize browser window to smaller dimension). On this way we achieved that our email templates showing well in all major email clients (on desktop computers, tablets and mobile phones). If you can provide me with 600px template version and 300px template version we can make this work how as it should be, and how is required or expected. Code is in attachment file for testing purposes. Best way for testing (in my opinion) is litmus website. EU raspadne-cilj fa,šističke aMerike

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